This study investigated the effects of field-trip and project methods on motivation, retention and performance of Nigeria certificate in education Social Studies students in North-west, Nigeria. Thus, the following research objectives were used to guide the research; assess the NCE students‟ motivation taught Social Studies using field-trip method and those taught with conventional method in North-west zone, Nigeria, find out the performance of NCE students taught Social Studies using field-trip method and those taught with conventional method in North-west zone, Nigeria, examine difference exist between NCE students‟ retention taught Social Studies using field-trip method and those taught with conventional method in North-west zone, Nigeria. Also, theresearch questions and hypotheses were in line with the stated objectives. Descriptive survey and quasi- experimental design were used as research design. The target population of study was all
N.C.E II Social studies students of Colleges of Education in North-west zone, Nigeria totalling three thousand four hundred and forty (3440), out of which a sample of five hundred and three (503) was selected through the use of simple random sampling technique. Social Studies Performance Test (SOSPET) and Academic Motivation Scale (AMS) were used for data collection. Mean and standard deviations were used to present the demographic data ofrespondents as well as answering the research questions, while independent t-test was used to test the null hypotheses formulated for the study.The study established that, The post-test performance of NCE students taught Social Studies using field-trip method was higher than their pre-test in North-west zone, Nigeria and the difference is statistically significant. (P=0.000).The post-test performance of NCE students taught Social Studies using project method was higher than their pretest in North-west zone, Nigeria and the difference is statistically significant. (P=0.000). The motivation of NCE social studies taught using field-trip method was higher than those taught with conventional method in North-west zone, Nigeria and variation is statistically significant (P= 0.001). The motivation of NCE social studies taught using project method was higher than those taught with conventional method in North-west zone, Nigeria and variation is statistically significant (P= 0.001). The performance of NCE students taught Social Studies using field-trip method was significantly higherthan those taught with conventional method in North-west zone, Nigeria (P=0.000).The performance of NCE students taught Social Studies using project method was significantly higherthan those taught with conventional method in North-west zone, Nigeria (P=0.000).No significant difference found between the post test and post post-test performances NCE students taught Social Studies using field-trip in North-west, zone, Nigeria (P=0.326).No significant difference found between the post test and post post-test performances NCE students taught Social Studies using project in North-west, zone, Nigeria (P=0.263).No significant difference between the retention of NCE students taught Social Studies using field-trip and those taught with project method in North-west, zone, Nigeria (P=0.191). It was concluded that field trip and project methods better enhanced the motivation, performance and retention of NCE students thought social studies than the conventional method. Based on the findings, it was recommended among others that, Curriculum review by the Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council (NERDC) should be made to accommodate the dynamism of field-trip applications at all levels of Social Studies teaching in tertiary institutions. This will motivate student-centred instructional approach, students‟ autonomy to knowledge acquisition, and student self-discovery learning.